Wednesday, November 14, 2018

                I hope you love yourself
                so you can love life too.
                I hope you learn to laugh, 
                even in the darkness of your own thoughts. 
                Please don’t be afraid
                when you have a taste 
                of bittersweet vulnerability.
                I hope you walk confidently, 
                that your fears won’t outweigh 
                all the wonderful you can be.
                I hope you speak clearly 
                & your words are crafted from compassion
                (which your mom & dad are full of).
                I hope you grow up knowing 
                that your heartbeat
                is connected to a long chain of love, 
                years in the making.
                In the end I’d like to believe
                it’s all the love you’ve ever given or received,
                embracing & supporting you, 
                every moment of beauty permeating your soul,
                every feeling & memory, every affinity
                suspended into infinity. 
                If I’m not here for you physically, 
                my love always will be.

                auntie Laura 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018



                                       My dad gave me a sense of humor & his nose,
                                my mom gave her chin & optimism.
                                I’m somewhere between 
                                his realism & her mysticism.
                                I have their defense mechanisms,
                                & probably more isms. 

                                When I was shy & small,
                                I inherited both of their shells
                                but shy becomes awkward as an adult
                                so I’m a party turtle now,
                                fun loving & social 
                                but wanting to disappear 
                                into my own home. 
                                I poke my head out 
                                & check the weather,
                                hoping to improve myself
                                because I am the love
                                I give & take,     
                                animated by
                                the energy I create,
                                passed on to whoever I make,
                                whoever let’s me into 
                                their space or experience. 

                                .Laura Curren.

                       The pharmacist said it was like a forest fire
                       & whichever medication I choose 
                       won't bring back the burnt trees 
                       but it will fight about 30-60% of the flames.
                       I can't get my trees back?

                       It’s a strange thing to be told my body 
                       is working against me. 
                       It’s a strange thought to wonder if I gave this to myself 
                       from doubt & worry & stress,
                                             self sabotaging or blaming the wrong things
                       or too many beauty products or microwaved meals,
                       who knows.
                       I think in some ways I’ve always avoided myself
                       so this was a rude physical reminder 
                       that my time gets eaten by those who don’t offer
                       transparency to me,     
                       That wrestling my self doubt is actually won 
                       by asking why it’s there.

                        On my brother’s birth certificate 
                        my mom wrote, “human” under race. 
                        I know skin color is an adjective 
                        that comes with baggage 
                        & it falls on a spectrum of stereotypes. 
                        These labels haunt my idea of peace 
                        when we are nothing left but energy.

                        Imagine if you looked at your soul 
                        outside of your body, 
                        what color would it be? 
                        What type of emotions, efforts, 
                        & dreams would you see? 
                        Would you be a tornado of anger 
                        & unresolved issues? Would you be 
                        a sweeping hand of comfort? 
                        Would you be passion 
                        unfurling its petals? 
                        My mom knew that people 
                        liked their categories 
                        but she understood, above all else,
                        if this earth is called mother,
                        she can die of a broken heart. 

                        .Laura Curren.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

                            It sounded rehearsed
                            like canned remorse, 
                            like so many times before.

                            Your feelings have changed,
                            your eyes aren’t the same; 
                            they look away & through me,
                            as if you knew me.

                            This is best described as 
                            a polite kick in the ribs
                            but what hurt me even more
                            is that I found myself 
                            saying your words

                            to someone else.

                            .Laura Curren. 

Monday, September 10, 2018


                                   Sometimes it's sneaky,
                                   it doesn’t come out of the shadows
                                   or slump on the floor,
                                   it comes as a dull ache for something more.
                                   Maybe I already have the answers,
                                   but not the courage to carry them through.
                                   It can come slowly too,
                                   not always breathing heavy sighs or sobbing
                                   but in overthinking quietly;
                                   one small rain drop of thought
                                   turns into an ocean
                                   & my heart is beating frantically, 
                                   while I'm looking for shore.

                                   But there’s this other part of me,
                                   waving from an island
                                   screaming, but laughing, 
                                   telling other me to come back,
                                   everything’s good right here. 

                                   .Laura Curren. 

Monday, September 3, 2018

                                   Why Are We Here?

M.                        Sometimes I think that people 
       were put on this earth to be an example 
   of every type of person you can be,
                          black & white,
                          & so many shades of gray.
                          There’s bad romance novelists, 
                          serial killers, nuns, clowns, 
             people I just scared by listing those things, 
             there’s people who won’t bother to read this, 
                    people who breathe passion into their life by words, 
                      biased people, narrow minded, open, a little too open, 
                everything & every swear word you’ve ever heard,                 every language
  every horrifying 
& beautiful 
case of life;

                     some so extreme, they seem to be from different worlds
          & some so painfully or wonderfully similar, 
                 almost every instance, ever so slightly different. 
                         Each code of DNA is a story
             & some people think their’s is very important,
                                       some feel insignificant,
                          like unheard tears in the ocean.

                         What will you contribute?
 How would your energy be described? 
                         Did you light up some eyes?
           Were you humbled or jaded by your experience?

                        The simple answer is that there’s no simple answer at all.

   .Laura Curren.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

                  Your smile & laugh was  
                  a burning ball of gas
                  keeping me warm & alive
                  with brighter eyes 
                  But the closer I got to you 
                  the more you warned me
                  that you’re too much to touch 
                  & if I really knew 
                  what it felt to feel you 

                  I’d burn from the rush

                      .Laura Curren.

Monday, January 1, 2018

All I wanted 
was a reassuring breath 
across my shoulders while I slept. 
But I hadn’t become my own person yet.
Wanting someone else to show me who I am 
is like me telling you who I am; 
my words aren’t real 
unless you feel them. 
I can keep asking for somebody.
I can keep stepping in shallow 
until I meet my own depths. 

This won’t change 
if I sit in the same place & wait. 
This won't change until I offer what I ask for.

.Laura Curren.