Monday, January 26, 2009

these are old.


Easing to the side, parks her car,
8:45 a.m.
For she has found resolution,
and the absolute beauty of
merging onto the right hand shoulder.
Sits in the last adjustable seat of trial,
exiting words the polished name of her son.
Hoping to be saved by speeding closure,
had this appointment all her life.
Steps out in the road,
and well the bus driver-
the last excitement he found
was the pickle in his sandwich
purchased at the deli by his wife
(he's allergic to pickles,
he swears she's trying to kill him),
promptly hits this resolved woman at 8:48 a.m.
And as the smoke curls out of this giant hearse,
he realizes they were both right on schedule.


Oh honey I'm just lonely.
I have you here,
But it doesn't seem
to make any difference.
As useful as a picture in a frame,
I can't breathe life through the glass.
They say it's a stab to the heart,
but i don't believe so.
It wasn't easing a knife in,
it was pulling one out.
All of it was one sleek blade,
sharpened to the tip,
carefully held in,
loosening every so often,
until it was plucked out.
The shock of its absence
made me faint.
Oh honey I'm just lonely.

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