Friday, December 30, 2016

Happiness shouldn't be a threat; 
if you're grabbing at it 
with the notion that it will leave you 
like those who've erased your name,
how long would it really stay? 
If you 
tie it to a chair,
question why it's there,
then release your ropes 
& watch it escape to a softer place,
you prove yourself right. 

 .Laura Curren. 

You're in love with the way 
she understands your pain,
the way your name sounds as though 
it flows down & around her throat 
like the hair falling over her shoulders 
& her neck that curves like the dip of 
a lunar crater 
that you want to taste 
& leave your mark on-
& this bend of a moon,
this scarred & glowing body 
gravitates to the world 
spinning freely 
in a universe of possibility
where she chooses 

.Laura Curren.

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