Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I had no idea. I'm so sorry. I stumbled across this information. She bought my birthday present when you didnt have enough time to. It was an unfortunate looking tassel purse with lipgloss and the edited version of the 8 mile soundtrack inside of it. I remember she would always catch you in your bullshit- like that time we made a huge mess in your bathroom back when you lived in Lafayette. We left tooth paste & toilet paper everywhere and you blamed it on your dad-as if he would just go in there and fuck it up and leave it that way. Your mom said "Bullshit! Clean this up!" I have that very clear memory of her. She wouldn't take your crap.  I see her smoking by the pool and laughing.


Anonymous said...

I really love you're work a lot, every poem is so easy to relate to and I enjoy hearing your voice ring in each syllable :)

Laura Curren said...

thank you so much! i really appreciate you reading my stuff :)