Monday, September 10, 2018


                                   Sometimes it's sneaky,
                                   it doesn’t come out of the shadows
                                   or slump on the floor,
                                   it comes as a dull ache for something more.
                                   Maybe I already have the answers,
                                   but not the courage to carry them through.
                                   It can come slowly too,
                                   not always breathing heavy sighs or sobbing
                                   but in overthinking quietly;
                                   one small rain drop of thought
                                   turns into an ocean
                                   & my heart is beating frantically, 
                                   while I'm looking for shore.

                                   But there’s this other part of me,
                                   waving from an island
                                   screaming, but laughing, 
                                   telling other me to come back,
                                   everything’s good right here. 

                                   .Laura Curren. 

Monday, September 3, 2018

                                   Why Are We Here?

M.                        Sometimes I think that people 
       were put on this earth to be an example 
   of every type of person you can be,
                          black & white,
                          & so many shades of gray.
                          There’s bad romance novelists, 
                          serial killers, nuns, clowns, 
             people I just scared by listing those things, 
             there’s people who won’t bother to read this, 
                    people who breathe passion into their life by words, 
                      biased people, narrow minded, open, a little too open, 
                everything & every swear word you’ve ever heard,                 every language
  every horrifying 
& beautiful 
case of life;

                     some so extreme, they seem to be from different worlds
          & some so painfully or wonderfully similar, 
                 almost every instance, ever so slightly different. 
                         Each code of DNA is a story
             & some people think their’s is very important,
                                       some feel insignificant,
                          like unheard tears in the ocean.

                         What will you contribute?
 How would your energy be described? 
                         Did you light up some eyes?
           Were you humbled or jaded by your experience?

                        The simple answer is that there’s no simple answer at all.

   .Laura Curren.