I had the thought
that if you could see me in my private moments
that you may fall in love with my reactions;
how I feel
when a smile cracks across the face of the squirmy boy
I'm helping read a book when I say
"I'm so impressed!"
If you could see
If you could see
when I'm packed away in traffic
covering rap verses like I own the pain
or party they were inspired by,
how my eyes stare off into a mental sea
& come back to think of something funny,
how I rest my head on top of a fat, familiar dog
or even that long sigh before I step in the shower,
I had the thought that this could make you love me;
if you could see
how I want to share my love-
but it's uncomfortable
for me too,
because I feel like it can't all fit,
it's too much to carry,
it's too heavy for you;
what was meant to hold you
chokes your definition of it.
But while it always felt like it was suffocating you,
I felt like I was speaking a different language,
one you were never taught,
one you avoided understanding,
& you don't want to read it,
you don't want to see.
& you don't want to read it,
you don't want to see.