Tuesday, May 11, 2010


can you tolerate hurricanes of the bedroom kind?
are onions a problem? black licorice? you'll be tasting them.
do you test your lungs on your favorite song?
do you hate being told youre wrong?
can you apologize
are you a dreamer day and night
do you believe in love even when it falls on its side
are you capable of laughing at yourself and me laughing at you laughing at yourself
how spicy is spicy
do you like to make out despite high toxicity levels of breath
wanna have sex even when im sick?
can you handle me? whatever pop stars mean by that.
do you demand more bed than there is supplied
can you carry my affections equally, not too little, not too much
know how to drive my car? you'll be driving it
looking to expand your music collection and share yours?
can you tolerate my lack of labeling
will you save me when im feeling dramatic
will you go to far away lands and close couches with me?
can we blow smoke all over the stars
can we dance in sweaty situations
are you open to waking up early in the best possible way
mind if i put my legs there?
can you appreciate absurdly cute dogs who might eat your possessions?
do your possessions eat you?
will you set aside technology for flesh
are you not afraid to get stuck in your own head,
and can i meet you in there?

did you read all of this

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