I hope you love yourself
so you can love life too.
I hope you learn to laugh,
even in the darkness of your own thoughts.
Please don’t be afraid
when you have a taste
of bittersweet vulnerability.
I hope you walk confidently,
that your fears won’t outweigh
all the wonderful you can be.
I hope you speak clearly
& your words are crafted from compassion
(which your mom & dad are full of).
I hope you grow up knowing
that your heartbeat
is connected to a long chain of love,
years in the making.
In the end I’d like to believe
it’s all the love you’ve ever given or received,
embracing & supporting you,
every moment of beauty permeating your soul,
every feeling & memory, every affinity
suspended into infinity.
If I’m not here for you physically,
my love always will be.
auntie Laura