Wednesday, October 10, 2018

                        On my brother’s birth certificate 
                        my mom wrote, “human” under race. 
                        I know skin color is an adjective 
                        that comes with baggage 
                        & it falls on a spectrum of stereotypes. 
                        These labels haunt my idea of peace 
                        when we are nothing left but energy.

                        Imagine if you looked at your soul 
                        outside of your body, 
                        what color would it be? 
                        What type of emotions, efforts, 
                        & dreams would you see? 
                        Would you be a tornado of anger 
                        & unresolved issues? Would you be 
                        a sweeping hand of comfort? 
                        Would you be passion 
                        unfurling its petals? 
                        My mom knew that people 
                        liked their categories 
                        but she understood, above all else,
                        if this earth is called mother,
                        she can die of a broken heart. 

                        .Laura Curren.

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