Sunday, May 10, 2009

a conversation

it all comes from insecurities
and you feel really good to me
so i worry

worry about what?

about dumb things, like when i said i think i text you too much
or that you wont want to talk to me
other girls blah blah
you make me really happy and i guess its kinda scary to be happy sometimes

well its not worth making yourself unhappy just because you are happy
yes, being happy is scary
and no one wants to have their heart broken
because deep down everyone is insecure about something
but it shouldn't stop you from enjoying things in the moment
yes, its difficult that we're far from each other
but, it hasn't changed anything
we're still the same people, still insecure about the same things
you just can't let it consume you
because it affects everything else
like school, friends, etc...
I don't want you worrying about me
because it makes me worry that you're worrying
and then we both have problems that can weaken us
and I'm sure part of the reason you worry is because I'm not doing a good enough job to keep you from worrying
I know sometimes I don't say the right things
or respond the right way
or say what you would want me to say
but, you have to understand
I still care for you
I still miss you
I still love and want to talk to you
I'm just not perfect and never will be
but its apart of who I am
and in some way keeps us together

i love you and i love our non perfectness
this is me jumping ahead of myself
sometimes you say exactly the right thing
and you know just what to do to make me feel better
and you know i was thinking of you and you surprise me and see me
its because of all that i worry about losing you sometimes
its natural
if i didnt think about it, or get hurt by the thought i dont think i would be in love
i just need to be reassured sometimes, even if i know all this that you told me
i just need to hear it from you sometimes
i know its better to tell you but i do also want to enjoy myself. when im with you i really dont worry
i have fun with you and enjoy the time and we communicate without having to really, but its hard for me when youre far liek you said and it doesnt change any of my feelings for you either i guess i just need to hear those things sometimes when you are away
its weird to say, but i feel more myself when youre around
9:13 PM
I think this is where we have sex

and this is why i love you

cause I like sex?

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