At times I want to
shed out of my memories
but who would I be?
.Laura Curren.
Sometimes I'm so subtle it hurts,
like my love is watching everything
through the crack of a wall.
Or I'm not this at all;
my jealous heart smashes through
& anything protecting me from
making a fool of myself has flown off
& away from me to the ground.
After I may collect myself
& try to piece together what erupted
but what does it matter
when it's already all out there?
.Laura Curren.
Let me be shallow
for a moment to wonder
what you would taste like
Haiku 41 .Laura Curren.
Sometimes I'm so subtle it hurts,
like my love is watching everything
through the crack of a wall.
Or I'm not this at all;
my jealous heart smashes through
& anything protecting me from
making a fool of myself has flown off
& away from me to the ground.
After I may collect myself
& try to piece together what erupted
but what does it matter
when it's already all out there?
.Laura Curren.
Let me be shallow
for a moment to wonder
what you would taste like
Haiku 41 .Laura Curren.